III All Possessions and Privileges of the said Universities confirmed to them, being so incorporated.E+W
And the Chauncellor Masters and Schollers of either of the said Universities severally, and their Successors forever, by the same Name of Chauncellor Maisters and Schollors of either of the said Universities of Oxforde and Cambridge, shall and may severally have hold [X1possesse] enjoye and use, to them and to their Successors for ever more, all mannor of Mannors Lorshippes Rectories Personage Lands Tenements Rentes Services Annuyties Advousons of Churches Possessions Pencions Porcions and Hereditamentes, and all manner of Liberties Fraunchises Immunytes Quietances and Pryvileges, View of Frankpledge Lawedaies and other Things whatsoever they be, the which either of the said Corporated Bodies of either of the said Universities had held occupied or enjoyed, or of right ought to have had used occupied and enjoyed, at any tyme or tymes before the making of this Acte of Parlyament; according to the true Intent and Meaninge aswell of the said lettres Patentes made by the said noble Prynce King Henrye Theight, made and graunted to the Chauncellor and Schollers of the Unyversitie of Oxford bearing date as is aforesaid, as of the lettres Patentes of the Queenes Majestie made and graunted unto the Chauncellor Masters and Schollers of the Universitie of Cambridge bearing date as aforesaid, and as accordinge to the true Intent and Meaninge of all [X2other the] foresaid lettres Patentes whatsoever; Any Statute or other Thinge or Things whatsoever heretofore made or don to the contrary in anye manner of wyse notwithstandinge.
Editorial Information
X1Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: possede O. [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge]
X2Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: the other O. [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge]