I Where Election of Fellows, Officers, &c. of Colleges, Hospitals, &c. shall be produced by Bribery, the Election declared void.

For Remedye whereof, Yf any person or persons Bodyes Pollitick or Corporate, whiche have Eleccion presentacion or Nominacion, or Voyce or Assent in the Choyse Eleccion presentacion or Nominacion, of anye Fellowe Scholler or any other person, to have roome or place in anye the saide Churches Colledges Scholes Hospitalls Halles or Societies, shall have receyve or take anye Monye Fee Rewarde or any other Profytt, directly or indirectlie, or shall take any Promyse Agreament Coveniante Bonde or other Assuraunce, to receyve or have any Monye Fee Rewarde or any other Profytt, directlye or indirectlye, either to him or themselves or to any other of their or anye of their Freindes, for his or their Voice or Voices Assent or Assents or Consents, in electinge chosinge presentinge or nominatinge anye Officer Fellowe Scholler or other person, to have any roome or place in any the saide Churches Colledges Halles Scholes Hospitalles or Societies, that then and from thenceforthe the Place Roome or Office, whiche suche person soe offendinge shall then have in anye the saide Churches Colledges Scholles Halles Hospitalls or Societies, shalbe voyde; And that then aswell the Quenes Majestie her Heires and Successors, and everie other person and persons their Heires and Successors, to whom the presentacion Donacion Guyfte Eleccion or Disposicion shall of right belonge or apperteyne of anye suche of the saide Roomes or Places of the saide person offendinge as aforesaide, shall or maye at their pleasure elect present nominate place or appoynte any other person or persons in the Roome Office or Place of suche person or persons so offendinge, as yf the saide person or persons so offendinge then were naturallie deade.