IV Places of the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, Lord President of the Council, Lord Privy Seal.

And forasmuche as suche other personages which nowe have and hereafter shall happen to have other great offices of the Realme, that is to saye, the offices of the Lorde Chauncellour, the Lorde Tresorer, the Lorde President of the Kings most honorable Counsell, the Lorde Privey Seale, the Great Chamberleyn of Englande, the Constable of Englande, the Marciall of Englande, the Lorde Admyrall, the Graunde Maister or Lorde Stewarde of the Kings most honorable housholde, the Kinges Chamberleyn, and the Kinges Secretarie, hathe not heretofore bene appointed and ordered for the placinge and sittinge in the Kings most highe Courte of Parliament by reason of their offices, It is therfore nowe ordeyned and enacted by thaucoritie aforesaide that the Lorde Chauncellour, the Lorde Treasourer, the Lorde Precident of the Kings Counsell and the Lorde Privey Seale beinge of the degre of Barons of the Parliament, or above, shall sytt and be placed, aswell in this present Parliament as in all other Parliaments hereafter to be holden, on the lyfte syde of the saide Parliament Chamber on the higher parte of the fourme of the same side, above all Dukes, Excepte onlie suche as shall happen to be the Kinges sonne, the Kinges brother, the Kinges Uncle, the Kinges Nephewe or the Kinges Brothers or Sisters Sonnes.