XXII.Officers receiving pay, &c. for Regiments, to give Notice thereof to Innkeepers, &c. and appoint Time for Payment.

Innkeepers, &c. to acquaint such Officers with the Debts due to them from Soldiers quartered; Amount of Allowance; Such Officers not giving Notice,; Paymasters of the Forces to satisfy the same out of the Arrears due to the said Officers; Penalty; If no Arrears due, such Debt to be deducted out of the next Pay; Officers not giving Notice, cashiered; If by Accident Subsistence Money not paid,; such Officer, before his Departure, to make up the Account as this Act directs, &c; and Paymaster to pay the same.

And that the Quarters both of Officers and Soldiers may hereafter be duly paid and satisfied and His Majesties Duties of Excise be better answered Be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the said Twentieth Day of February One thousand seven hundred and One every Officer or Officers to whom it belongs to receive or that does actually receive the Pay or Subsistance Money either for a whole Regiment or particular Troops or Companies or otherwise shall immediately upon each Receipt of every particular Summe which shall from time to time be paid returned or come to his or their Hands on account of Pay or Subsistance give Publick Notice thereof to all Persons keeping Inns or other Places where Officers and Soldiers are quartered by vertue of this Act and shall also appoint the said Inn-keepers and others to repair to their Quarters at such Times as they shall appoint for the Distribution and Payment of the said Pay or Subsistance Money to the Officers and Soldiers which shall be within Four Days at furthest after the Receipt of the same as aforesaid And the said Innkeepers and others shall then and there acquaint such Officer or Officers with the Accounts or Debts (if any shall be) between them and the Officers and Soldiers so quartered in their respective Houses which Accounts the said Officer or Officers are hereby required to accept of and immediately pay the same before any Part of the said Pay or Subsistance be distributed either to the Officers or Soldiers provided the said Accounts exceed not for a Commission Officer of Horse being under the Degree of a Captain for such Officers Diet and Small Beer per Diem Two Shillings nor for One Commission Officer of Dragoons being under the Degree of a Captain for such Officers Diet and Small Beer and Hay and Straw for his Horse per Diem One Shilling nor for One Commission Officer of Foot under the Degree of a Captain for such Officers Diet and Small Beer per Diem One Shilling and if such Officer shall have Horse or Horses for each such Horse or Horses per Diem Six Pence nor for One Light Horsemans Diet and Small Beer and Hay and Straw for his Horse per Diem One Shilling nor for One Dragoons Diet and Small Beer and Hay and Straw for his Horse per Diem Nine Pence nor for One Foot Soldiers Diet and Small Beer per Diem Four Pence And if any Officer or Officers as aforesaid shall not give Notice as aforesaid and shall not immediately upon the producing such Accounts stated satisfie content and pay the same upon Complaint and Oath made thereof by any Two Witnesses at the next Quarter Sessions for the County or City where such Quarters were (which Oath the Justices of the Peace at such Sessions are hereby required and authorized to administer) the Paymaster or Paymasters of His Majesties Forces are hereby required and authorized upon Certificate of the said Justices (before whom such Oath was made of the Sum due upon such Accounts and the Persons to whom the same is owing) to satisfie and pay the said Sums out of the Arrears due to the said Officer or Officers upon Penalty that such Paymaster or Paymasters shall forfeit and lose their respective Place or Places as Paymaster or Paymasters and be disabled from holding the same for the future And in case there shall be no Arrears due to the said Officer or Officers then the said Paymaster or Paymasters are hereby required and authorized to deduct the Sums he or they shall pay pursuant to the Certificate of the [X1said] Justices out of the next Pay or Subsistance Money of the Regiment to which such Officer or Officers shall belong And such Officer or Officers shall for such their Offence or for neglecting to give Notice of the Receipt of such Pay or Subsistance Money as aforesaid be deemd and taken and are hereby declared ipso facto cashiered And where it shall happen that the Subsistance due to any Officer or Soldier shall by Reason of any Accident not be paid to such Officer or Soldier or such Officer or Soldier shall neglect to pay the same so that the Quarters cannot be or are not paid as this Act directs and where any Horse Foot or Dragoons shall be upon their March so that no Subsistance can at present be remitted unto them to make Payment as this Act directs or they shall neglect to pay the same in every such Case it is hereby further enacted That every such Officer shall before his or their Departure out of his or their Quarters where such Regiment Troop or Company shall remain for any Time whatsoever make up the Account as this Act directs with every Person with whom such Regiment Troop or Company hath Quartered before he leave that Quarter and give the said Certificate by him signed to the Party to whom such Money is due with the Name of such Regiment Troop or Company to which he or they shall belong to the End the said Certificate may be forthwith transmitted to the Paymaster or Paymasters of His Majesties Army who is or are hereby required immediately to make Payment thereof to the Person or Persons to whom such Money shall be due to the End the same may be applied to such Regiment Troop or Company respectively under Pain as is [X1before] in this Act [X2before] directed for Non-Payment of Quarters.

Editorial Information

X1interlined on the Roll.

X2 O. omits.