XIX.Proviso for Universities, Windsor, Eaton, Winchester, and Westminster Colleges, Hospitals, Ahnshouses, and Free Schools, Readers, &c. in the said Universities. Christ's Hospital, St. Bartholomew, Bridewell, St. Thomas, and Bethlehem.
Tenants of the said Hospitals, Colleges, &c. not exempt from Taxation.
Provided alsoe That nothing in this Act contained shall be extended to charge any Colledge or Hall in either of the Universities or the Colledges of Windsor Eaton Winton or Westminster or any Hospitalls or Almshouses or any Free Schoole for or in respect of the Scites of the said Colledges or Halls or Hospitalls or Almshouses or Free Schoole or any Master Fellow or Scholler of any such Colledge or Hall or in any other Free Schools or any Reader Officer or Minister of the said Universities Colledges or Schooles or of any Almsmen of any Hospitalls or Almshouses for or in respect of any Stipend Wages or Profits whatsoever ariseing or growing due to them in respect of the said severall Places and Employments in the said Universities Colledges Halls Schools Hospitalls or Almshouses nor to charge any of the Houses or Lands belonging to Christs Hospitall or the Hospitalls of Saint Bartholomew Bridewell Saint Thomas and Betlehem Hospitall within the City of London and Burrough of Southwarke or any of them or to any Colledge or Hall in either of the Universities or to the Colledges of Eaton Winchester or Westminster or to any Hospitall Almshouse or Free Schoole whatsoever for or in respect of any Rents or Revenues payable to the said Hospitalls being to be Received and Disbursed for the immediate Use and Reliefe of the Poore in the said Hospitalls Provided That noe Tennants of any Lands or Houses by Lease or Grant from any of the said Hospitalls Colledges Halls Almshouses or Free Schools shall claime or enjoy any Freedome or Exemption by this Act but that all the Houses and Lands which they soe hold shall be Rated for soe much as they are yearely worth over and above the Rents reserved and payable to the said Hospitalls Colledges Halls Almshouses or Free Schools