XXVI.Proviso where several Tallies bear Date the same Day Paying subsequent Orders, if first demanded, no undue Preference, so as Money be reserved sufficient to satisfy preceding Orders; Interest to cease from the Time Money so reserved.

Provided alwayes and be it hereby Declared That if it happen that severall Talleys of Loane or Orders for Payment as aforesaid beare Date or be brought the same day to the Auditor of the Receipt to be Registred Then it shall be interpreted noe undue Preference which of those he Enters first soe he Enters them all the same day Provided alsoe That it shall not be interpreted any undue Preference to incurr any Penalty in point of payment if the Auditor Direct and the Clerke of the Pells Record and the Teller doe pay subsequent Orders of Persons that come and demand their Money and bring their Orders before other Persons that did not come to demand their Money and bring their Order in their course soe as there be soe much Money reserved as will satisfie precedent Orders which shall not be otherwise disposed but kept for them (Interest upon Loane being to cease from the time the Money is soe reserved and kept in Bank for them)