Royal arms

Court of Marches of Wales Act 1688X1

1688 CHAPTER 27 1 Will and Mar

An Act for takeing away the Court holden before the President and Councill of the Marches of Wales. Rot. Parl. pt. 4. nu. 7.

Editorial Information

X1Abbreviated title derived from Chronological Table of the Statutes: Covering the Period from 1235 to the End of 1971 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1972)

34 & 35 H. VIII. c. 26. § 4.; Proceedings of the Court of Marches, a Grievance.; 34 & 35 H. VIII. c. 26. § 4. repealed, and the Court of Marches taken away.

Whereas by the Statute made in the thirty fourth and thirty fifth yeare of King Henry the Eighth Intituled An Act for certaine Ordinances in the Kings Majestyes Dominion and Principality of Wales It is enacted That there shall be and remaine a President and Councill in the said Dominion and Principality of Wales and the Marches of the same with all Officers Clerks and Incidents to the same in manner and forme as hath beene heretofore used and accustomed which President and Councill shall have power and authoritie to heare and determine by their wisdomes and discretions such Causes and Matters as be or hereafter shall be assigned to them by the Kings Majestie as heretofore hath beene accustomed and used And forasmuch as the Proceedings and Decrees of that Court have by Experience beene found to be an intolerable burthen to the Subject within the said Principality contrary to the great Charter the knowne Lawes of the Land and the Birthright of the Subject and the meanes to introduce an Arbitrary Power and Government And forasmuch as all Matters examinable or determinable or pretended to be examinable or determinable before the said Court of President and Councill may have their proper Redresse in the ordinary course of Justice provided and setled in the severall Shires within the said Principality and Dominion For Remedy whereof Bee it enacted by the King and Queens most excellent Majestyes and by the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parlyament assembled and by the authoritie of the same That the before recited Clause in the said Statute made in the thirty fourth and thirty fifth yeare of King Henry the Eighth shall be and is hereby repealed And that the said Court commonly called the Court before the President and Councill in the Marches of Wales and all Jurisdiction Power and Authority belonging unto or exercised in the same Court or by any the Judges Officers or Ministers thereof be clearly and absolutely dissolved taken away and determined

II.Sheriffs in Wales how chosen.

And bee it hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Justices of the great Sessions in Wales respectively for the time being shall yearely nominate three substantiall persons for each Shire in their respective Circuits to be Shiriffes of the same and shall certifie their Names to the Lords of the most honourable Privy Councill Crastino Animarum to the intent the King and Queen's Majestie and the Survivor of them and their Successors being thereof advertised may appoint one of the persons soe certified in every of the said Shires to be Sheriffe for that yeare

III.Errors in Pleas personal in Wales how redressed, 34 & 35 H. VIII. c. 26. § 113.

And bee it farther enacted That all Errors in Pleas personall within the said Principality or Dominion of Wales shall be redressed by Writt of Error in the same manner as Errors in Pleas reall and mixed are appointed to be redressed by the said Statute made in the thirty fourth and thirty fifth yeare of King Henry the Eighth

IV.Commencement of this Act.

X2Provided alwayes That noe Judgements nor Decrees passed in the said Court before the first day of June one thousand six hundred eighty nine shall be by this Act repealed or annulled but all and every of them shall remaine in the same force and all Executions upon them in the same State in which they were before the makeing of this Act any thing in this Act X3contained to the contrary notwithstanding.