General Pardon Act 1694A Pardon of all Crimes to all Subjects.IIThe Pardon to be as good as if all Things were particularly named;IIIGrant of all Forfeitures incurred before said 29th April to the Subject.IVGrants or Executions upon Forfeitures how far of force.VAny Person may plead this Pardon.VIPardon expounded most beneficially for the Subject.VIIOfficer offending in making out Process, or taking Money for Things pardoned;VIIIExceptions. Persons against whom there has been a Proclamation.IXRecognizances, &c. forfeited and not forfeited as herein mentioned, Specialties to the Crown, &c.XFurther Exception King Charles the First's Murderers excepted by 12 C. II. c. 11. and the Two.; Persons appearing upon the Scaffold with Vizors.XIOutlawry not stayed, &c. unless Defendant appear, &c.XIIThis Act of Pardon may be given in Evidence.XIIIGood against the King's Grantee and the King.General Pardon Act 1694X11694 CHAPTER 20 6 and 7 Will and MarAn Act for the Kings most gracious general and free pardon.