XIX And upon giving relief, &c. to any offender, two witnesses necessary that the party had notice of the offence.

Provided that if any person or persons shall hereafter happen to give any reliefe, ayd or comfort, or in any wise bee ayding, helping or comforting to the person or persons of any that shall hereafter happen to bee an offendour in any matter or case of premunire or treason revived or made by this act, that then such reliefe, aid or comfort given shall not be judged or taken to be any offence, unlesse there be two sufficient witnesses at the least, that can and will openly testifie and declare, that the person or persons that so gave such reliefe, ayd or comfort, had notice and knowledge of such offence committed and done by the said offender, at the time of such reliefe, ayd or comfort, so to be given or ministered; any thing in this act conteyned, or any other matter or cause to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.