The King’s highnesse, his heyres and successours, Kings of England, be alwayes Kings of Ireland, and that his Majestie, his heyres and successours, have the name, stile, title, and honour of King of Ireland, with all maner honours, preheminences, prerogatives, dignities, and other things whatsoever they be to the estate and majestie of a King imperiall appertayning or belonging; and that his majestie, his heyres and successours, be from henceforth named, called, accepted, reputed, and taken to be Kings of Ireland, to have, hold and enjoy the said stile, title, majestie, and honours of King of Ireland, with all maner preheminences, prerogatives, dignities, and all other the premisses unto the King’s highnesse, his heyres and successours for ever, as united and knit to the imperial crown of England.