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Your search for English language legislation from 1688 has returned 41 results.

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Trade with France Act 16881688 c. 34Acts of the English Parliament
Leather Act 16881688 c. 33Acts of the English Parliament
Woollen Manufactures Act 16881688 c. 32Acts of the English Parliament
Land Tax (Commissioners) Act 16881688 c. 31Acts of the English Parliament
Royal Mines Act 16881688 c. 30Acts of the English Parliament
Clergy (Ireland) Act 16881688 c. 29Acts of the English Parliament
Appropriation of Revenue Act 16881688 c. 28Acts of the English Parliament
Court of Marches of Wales Act 16881688 c. 27Acts of the English Parliament
Presentation of Benefices Act 16881688 c. 26Acts of the English Parliament
Oaths Act 16881688 c. 25Acts of the English Parliament
Excise Act 16881688 c. 24Acts of the English Parliament
Exportation (Leather) Act 16881688 c. 23Acts of the English Parliament
Exportation (Beer and Cider) Act 16881688 c. 22Acts of the English Parliament
Great Seal Act 16881688 c. 21Acts of the English Parliament
Land Tax Act 16881688 c. 20Acts of the English Parliament
Habeas Corpus Suspension (No. 3) Act 16881688 c. 19Acts of the English Parliament
Toleration Act 16881688 c. 18Acts of the English Parliament
Papists (Amendment) Act 16881688 c. 17Acts of the English Parliament
Simony Act 16881688 c. 16Acts of the English Parliament
Papists (No. 2) Act 16881688 c. 15Acts of the English Parliament

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