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Your search for Welsh-language legislation has returned more than 200 results.

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The Glyn Rhonwy Pumped Storage Generating Station (Amendment) (Wales) Order 20242024 No. 112 (W. 26)Wales Statutory Instruments
Gorchymyn Gorsaf Gynhyrchu Storfa Bwmpio Glyn Rhonwy (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2024
The Education (Student Finance) (Amounts) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20242024 No. 86 (W. 24)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Addysg (Cyllid Myfyrwyr) (Symiau) (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) 2024
The Wine (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20242024 No. 83 (W. 23)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Gwin (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2024
The Education Workforce Council (Main Functions) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 20242024 No. 74 (W. 21)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg (Prif Swyddogaethau) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2024
The Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Prescribed Requirements and Default Scheme) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20242024 No. 56 (W. 16)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Cynlluniau Gostyngiadau’r Dreth Gyngor (Gofynion Rhagnodedig a’r Cynllun Diofyn) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2024
The Government of Wales Act 2006 (Budget Motions and Designated Bodies) (Amendment) Order 20242024 No. 42 (W. 14)Wales Statutory Instruments
Gorchymyn Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006 (Cynigion Cyllidebol a Chyrff Dynodedig) (Diwygio) 2024
The Non-Domestic Rating (Heat Networks Relief) (Wales) Regulations 20242024 No. 38 (W. 13)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Ardrethu Annomestig (Rhyddhad Rhwydweithiau Gwresogi) (Cymru) 2024
The Non-Domestic Rating (Miscellaneous and Consequential Amendments to Secondary Legislation) (Wales) Regulations 20242024 No. 37 (W. 12)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Ardrethu Annomestig (Diwygiadau Amrywiol a Chanlyniadol i Is-ddeddfwriaeth) (Cymru) 2024
The Independent Schools (Prohibition on Participation in Management) (Wales) Regulations 20242024 No. 28 (W. 11)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Ysgolion Annibynnol (Gwaharddiad ar Gymryd Rhan mewn Rheoli) (Cymru) 2024
The Independent School Standards (Wales) Regulations 20242024 No. 27 (W. 10)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Safonau Ysgolion Annibynnol (Cymru) 2024
The Independent Schools (Provision of Information) (Wales) Regulations 20242024 No. 26 (W. 9)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Ysgolion Annibynnol (Darparu Gwybodaeth) (Cymru) 2024
The Meat Preparations (Amendment and Transitory Modification) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (revoked)2024 No. 17 (W. 6)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Paratoadau Cig (Diwygio ac Addasiadau Darfodol) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2024
The Firefighters’ Pension Schemes and Compensation Scheme (Amendment) (Wales) Order 20242024 No. 13 (W. 5)Wales Statutory Instruments
Gorchymyn Cynlluniau Pensiwn a Chynllun Digolledu’r Diffoddwyr Tân (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2024
The Agricultural Holdings (Units of Production) (Wales) Order 20242024 No. 10 (W. 4)Wales Statutory Instruments
Gorchymyn Daliadau Amaethyddol (Unedau Cynhyrchu) (Cymru) 2024
The Tuberculosis (Wales) (Amendment) Order 20232023 No. 1423 (W. 251)Wales Statutory Instruments
Gorchymyn Twbercwlosis (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2023
The National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 20232023 No. 1421 (W. 250)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau’r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Contractau Gwasanaethau Meddygol Cyffredinol) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2023
The Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 20232023 No. 1393 (W. 247)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Adnoddau Dŵr (Rheoli Llygredd Amaethyddol) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 4) 2023 Rheoliadau Adnoddau Dŵr (Rheoli Llygredd Amaethyddol) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 4) 2023
The Plant Health etc. (Miscellaneous Fees) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20232023 No. 1380 (W. 246)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Iechyd Planhigion etc. (Ffioedd Amrywiol) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2023
The Local Authority Social Services Annual Reports (Prescribed Form) (Wales) (Amendment and Transitional Provision) Regulations 20232023 No. 1355 (W. 245)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Adroddiadau Blynyddol Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Awdurdodau Lleol (Ffurf Ragnodedig) (Cymru) (Diwygio a Darpariaeth Drosiannol) 2023
The Non-Domestic Rating (Improvement Relief) (Wales) Regulations 20232023 No. 1354 (W. 244)Wales Statutory Instruments
Rheoliadau Ardrethu Annomestig (Rhyddhad Gwelliannau) (Cymru) 2023

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