Paragraphs 23 to 25 describe regulated alterations in relation to maintained nursery schools.

23Teaching space


An enlargement of the teaching space, other than a temporary enlargement, by 50% or more.


The making permanent of a temporary enlargement of the teaching space by 50% or more.


In this paragraph—

  • “teaching space” (“man addysgu”) means any area used wholly or mainly for the provision of nursery education excluding—

    1. a

      any area used wholly or mainly for the education of pupils whose educational needs are being assessed under section 323 of the Education Act 1996 and pupils with statements of special educational needs maintained under section 324 of that Act;

    2. b

      any area constructed, adapted or equipped so as to be unsuitable for general teaching purposes;

    3. c

      any area constructed, adapted or equipped primarily for the storage of apparatus, equipment or materials used in teaching;

    4. d

      any part of an area which is required for the movement of pupils through that area and which is used wholly or mainly for that purpose;

  • a “temporary enlargement” (“ehangu dros dro”) is an enlargement of the teaching space which it is anticipated, at the time of its making, will be in place for fewer than three years.

24Special educational needs


The establishment or discontinuance of provision which is recognised by the local authority as reserved for children with special educational needs.


Where there is provision which is recognised by the local authority as reserved for children with special educational needs, a change in the type of such provision.

25Language medium


In the case of a school at which a group of pupils is taught wholly or mainly through the medium of Welsh, an alteration to the school so that all pupils would be taught wholly or mainly through the medium of English.


In the case of a school at which a group of pupils is taught wholly or mainly through the medium of English, an alteration to the school so that all pupils would be taught wholly or mainly through the medium of Welsh.