Advisory panel to the Commissioner
26Advisory panel
(1)There is to be a panel of advisers (the “advisory panel”) for the purpose of providing advice to the Commissioner on the exercise of the Commissioner’s functions.
(2)The members of the advisory panel are—
(a)the Children’s Commissioner for Wales;
(b)the Welsh Language Commissioner;
(c)the Commissioner for Older People in Wales;
(d)the member of staff of the Welsh Government designated by the Welsh Ministers as the Chief Medical Officer for Wales;
(e)the chairperson of the Natural Resources Body for Wales or another non-executive member of that body selected by the chairperson;
(f)an officer of the body representing trade unions in Wales known as Wales TUC Cymru nominated by that body;
(g)the chairperson, director or similar officer as the Welsh Ministers may appoint of a body representing persons carrying on business in Wales;
(h)such other person as the Welsh Ministers may appoint.
27Appointed members
(1)Before appointing a member under section 26(2)(h), the Welsh Ministers must consult the Commissioner.
(2)An appointed member holds office for a period of no less than 3 years and no more than 5 years as the Welsh Ministers may determine.
(3)An appointed member may be reappointed once for a further period of no less than 3 years and no more than 5 years (whether or not this period runs consecutively from the member’s first appointment).
(4)The Welsh Ministers may pay remuneration to appointed members.
(5)An appointed member may resign from the panel by giving the Welsh Ministers not less than 3 months’ notice in writing of the member’s intention to do so.
(6)The Welsh Ministers may following consultation with the Commissioner dismiss an appointed member if satisfied that the member—
(a)is unfit to continue as a panel member, or
(b)is unable or unwilling to act as a member.
28Payment of panel members’ expenses
The Welsh Ministers may pay allowances (including travelling and subsistence allowances) and gratuities to the members of the advisory panel.