Compliance with carbon budgets: reports and statements by the Welsh Ministers
40Carrying amounts from one budgetary period to another
The Welsh Ministers may decide to carry part of the carbon budget for a budgetary period back to the preceding budgetary period.
The carbon budget for the later period is reduced, and that for the earlier period is increased, by the amount carried back.
The amount carried back must not exceed 1% of the carbon budget for the later period.
The Welsh Ministers may decide to carry any unused part of the carbon budget for a budgetary period forward to the next budgetary period.
The carbon budget for the later period is increased, and that for the earlier period is reduced, by the amount carried forward.
The carbon budget for a period is “unused” to the extent that it exceeds the net Welsh emissions account for the period.
Before deciding to carry an amount back or forward under this section, the Welsh Ministers must consult the advisory body.