Section 79 - Approved premises and vehicles: premises remedial action notices
159.Similarly to the provisions set out in section 78, this section provides the local authority with the ability to issue a remedial action notice to a person in respect of an approved premises or vehicle. The notice may be issued if the local authority is satisfied that the person is breaching an applicable mandatory condition of approval. The remedial action notice must specify the reason(s) for the breach and the steps that the licence holder must take to secure compliance. If the authority is satisfied that the breach of the mandatory condition of approval presents, or could present, significant risk of harm to human health, the notice may also prohibit the performance of the special procedure at the premises or in the vehicle, until the steps specified in the notice have been taken. In this case, the local authority must take reasonable steps to bring the notice to the attention of anyone it thinks is likely to be affected by it (for example, licence holders listed as operating from the premises or vehicle). This ensures that people who perform special procedures from the premises/vehicle do not inadvertently commit an offence by breaching the prohibition.
160.The notice must specify the compliance period (which must not be less than 14 days) within which the licence holder should take the steps specified in it. If the local authority is satisfied that the steps specified in the notice have been taken, it must issue the licence holder with a completion certificate to discharge the notice, as required by section 80.
161.The notice must also provide details of the person’s right to appeal to the magistrates’ court against the local authority’s decision to issue a remedial action notice. Contravention of the notice is an offence (as provided for by section 82(6)) and is punishable by an unlimited fine. However, the local authority must not begin proceedings until the compliance period has expired.
162.If the person takes the steps specified in the remedial notice within the compliance period, no proceedings for an offence can be taken by the local authority. The local authority will, however, be able to undertake proceedings if the person continues to practice the special procedure from the premises or vehicle specified in the notice, despite the prohibition. In addition to the remedial action notice, the local authority may also revoke a premises or vehicle approval if the person fails to comply with a mandatory approval condition.