Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1560

Off the creatioun of manS

WE confess and acknawlege this our god to haue creatit man (to wit our first father adam) of quham alsso god formit the woman to his awin image and similitude to quham he gaif wisdome lordschip Justice fre will and cleir knawlege of him selff sua that in the haill nature of man thare culd be notit na imperfectioun fra quhilk honour and perfectioun man and woman did baith fall The woman being dissauit be the serpent and man obeying to the voice of the woman baith conspyring aganis the souerane majestie of god quha in expressit wordis of befoir haid threatnit deith gif thay presumit to eit of the forbodin tre