Oure Souerane Lord and estaitis of this present parliament Statutis and ordanis that in tyme cuming It sall nocht be lesum to ony lordis of sessioun . . . F1 aduocattis Clerkis writtaris thair servandis Or ony vther member of the college of iustice or ony inferiour Jugementis within this realme thair depuittis clerkis or aduocattis directlie or indirectlie be thame selffis or ony vtheris in thair names to thair behuif or vtilitie To by ony landis teyndis rowmes or possessionis quhilkis ar dependand in contraversie or questioun betuix ony pairties Or hes bene dependand and nocht as yit decydit Quhilkis gif thai or ony of thame do and contravenis the premissis the saidis lordis of sessioun aduocattis clerkis writtaris thair servandis Or ony vther member of the college of iustice or ony inferiour iugementis within this realme thair depuittis clerkis and aduocattis sall amit and tyne thair office place and all priuilegies and Immvnities bruikit or that may be bruikit be thame be verteu thairof

Textual Amendments