Sovereignty Act 1606

Forsamekle as the Estaittis and haill bodie of this present parliament Considering that with the lauchfull discent in the persone of oure most gratious Souerane of the richteous inheritance of the famous and renowned kingdomes of England france and Irland quhilk verie far surpassis the wealth power and force of the dominionis of ony of his progenitouris kingis of Scotland God hes also Joynit ane wonderfull incresce of Cair and burding ffor discharge quhairof he hes endewed his maiestie with sa mony extraordinar graces and maist rare and excellent vertues As he is nocht onlie knawin by daylie and Manifest experiences in materis of greatest difficultie and consequence To the vnspeakable conforte of all his faithfull subiectis To be capable of the happie gouernament of his saidis kingdomes Bot be his maist singular Judgement foirsicht and princelie wisdome worthie to posses and habill to gouerne far greater dominionis and Numberis of people And inrespect thairof The saidis estaittis of parliament persaveing that be his maiesteis exaltatioun nocht onlie in preeminence and power bot also in all royall qualiteis requisit for the happie discharge thairof God hes manifestlie expressit his heavinlie will To be That his maiesteis Imperiall power quhilk god hes sa gratiouslie inlarged Sall nocht by thame in ony sorte be Impared prejudged or diminissed bot rather reverenced and augmented sofar as possible they can THAIRFOIR the saidis Estaittis and haill bodie of this present parliament all in ane voluntar humbill faithfull and vnited hairt mynd and consent Trewlie acknawleges his maiesties souerane authoritie princelie power royall prerogatiue and privilege of his Crowne Ouer all estaittis persones and causes quhatsumeuir within his said kingdome And his maiestie with express advyse consent and assent of the saidis haill Estaittis Ratefeis appreves and perpetualie confermis the samyn Als absolutlie amplie and frelie in all respectis and considerationis As euir his maiestie or ony of his royall progenitouris kingis of Scotland in ony tyme bigane possessed vsed or excered the same And lykwayes with consent foirsaid Cassis annullis abrogattis retreittis and rescindis All and quhatsumeuir thingis attempted enacted done or heireftir to be done or Intendir To the violatioun hurte derogatioun Impasring or prejudice of his hienes souerane authoritie Royall prerogatiue and privileges of his crowne or ony point or pairt thairof In ony tyme bigane or tocum And the saidis haill Estaitiss for thame seiffis and thair succeddoruris faithfullie promottis Perpetualie to acknawlege obey mantene defend and advance the lyfe honour saiftie dignitie sourane authoritie and prerogatiue royall of his sacred maiestie his airis and successouris and priviege of his hienes Crowne with thair lyves landis and gudis to the vttermest of thair power And constantlie and faithfullie to withstand all and quhatsumeuir persones poweris or esttaittis quha sall presume preas or Intend onywayes to Impugne prejudge hurte or Impair the same And nevir to cum in the Contrair thairof directlie no In directlie in ony tyme cummyng