The Kings Maiestie . . . F1 With advice of his Estates of Parliament . . . F1 vndirstanding the great trouble and inconveniencies occasioned by the wreatting of long Charters and vther wreatts which pas the sealls afoirsaid in one broad parchement of soe great lenth and largenes that they can hardly be read Doth for remeid thereof . . . F1 Statute and Ordaine that it shall be frie to any persone who hath any Charter or wreatt to be wreatten for the great or privie sealls to choice whither to have the same written in a broad skin of parchment as formerlie or to have them wreaten by way of a booke in leaves of parchment aboute the breadth of ane ordinary sheat of paper and accordingly the Writers to the great and privie sealls are heirby Ordained to write and exped the same And if they shall be written in the way of a booke that each page be signed and marked by them as said is Which being done the respective sealls are to be appended thereto in maner following videlicet To such as shall be written on a skin of parchment in the ordinary way That the sealls be appended as formerlie And to these which shall be written in the booke way That the sealls be appended vpon a tye or band which is to goe thorow all the Leaves in the Margine And that for doing heirof this shall be a sufficient warrand to all persones concerned

Textual Amendments