Concerning the SESSION


That Decreits in foro contradictorio befor the Lords of Sessioun be not again suspended vpon reasouns competent to have bein proponed or which wer repelled in the former Decreit And to the effect it may be knowne with the least expence what Decreits are in foro That the Keeper of the minute booke make vp a Booke of the Decreits in foro according as the same shall each day be given in to him by the Clerks expressing the names of all the defenders for whome their is Compearance . . . F1 And where there is once Compearance for any pairty and Defences proponed the Decreit shall be holdin as done in foro and all the dispute proponed by the Advocats shall be insert therin Albeit the advocat theraftir past from his Compearance . . . F1