67Application of penal provisions of Act.N.I.

The provisions of this Act relating to offences apply to—

(a)acts and omissions in the Londonderry Area[F1 or the Newry Area] by any person, and

(b)acts and omissions in any part of the Foyle Area[F1 or the Carlingford Area] by a person resident in Northern Ireland.

F1SI 1999/859

68Penalties for offences.N.I.

(1)Any person who commits an offence against this Act for which a penalty is not provided by any other provision of this Act shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding[F2 level 2 on the standard scale] and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding five pounds for every day during which the offence is continued after conviction.

(2)The Commission may prescribe lower money penalties for breach of a particular regulation than those provided under sub-section (1) of this section and that sub-section shall, in any such case, be construed as if such lower penalties were substituted for those so provided.

69Saving for acts done for artificial propagation, scientific purposes or improvement of fisheries.N.I.

Nothing in this Act shall prohibit anything done by the Commission or by a person previously authorised in writing by the Commission in that behalf for the purpose of the artificial propagation of fish, for some scientific purpose or for the improvement of any fishery.

70Residence of body corporate.N.I.

For the purposes of this Part a body corporate shall be deemed to be resident in Northern Ireland if it is incorporated under the law of Northern Ireland.

71Offences by bodies corporate.N.I.

Where an offence against this Act was committed by a body corporate and is proved to have been so committed with the consent or approval of, or to have been facilitated by any neglect on the part of any person, being a director, manager, secretary or other officer of the body corporate, that person shall also be guilty of the offence and may be proceeded against and punished accordingly.

72Trial of offences.N.I.

Notwithstanding anything contained in any other enactment, an offence against this Act may be heard and determined by a court of summary jurisdiction upon the complaint, oral or otherwise, of the Commission or an officer of the Commission or a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary but not of any other person, except with the consent of the Commission.

73Evidence of mouths of rivers, boundaries between tidal and freshwater portions of rivers, points of mouths of rivers to or from which distances are to be measured.N.I.

(1)Where any regulations define—

(a)the mouth of a river, or

(b)the mouth of any tributary river, or

(c)the boundary between the tidal and freshwater portions of any river, or

(d)the point or points to or from which distances are to be measured under this Act,

such mouth, boundary, point or points shall for the purposes of any proceedings under this Act be as so defined.

(2)Where any regulations define the space within which it is by or under this Act prohibited to use certain fishing engines, the space so defined shall for the purposes of any proceedings under this Act be taken to be the area within which it is prohibited to use those fishing engines.

74Forfeiture of licences.N.I.

(1 )F3(a)If the person who is the holder of a licence issued by the Commission is convicted of an offence to which this sub-section applies the court may direct the licence to be forfeited and declare that person to be disqualified for holding a licence of the Commission for such period, not exceeding one year, as the court may direct.

(b)This sub-section applies to—

(i)an offence under any section of this Act,

(ii)an offence under any section of the Fisheries Acts.

(2)Where a person who is the holder of a licence issued by the Commission is convicted by a court of justice in the Republic of Ireland of an offence under the law of the Republic of Ireland relating to fisheries, and as a result of such conviction, the licence is declared to be forfeited and that person is declared to be disqualified for a particular period for holding a licence of the Commission, the Commission shall direct the licence to be forfeited and that person shall be disqualified for holding a licence for that period.

(3)Where a licence is directed to be forfeited under this section, it shall thereupon cease to be in force.

F4[(4)Where a person is convicted by a court of an offence against this Act or against the Fisheries Acts, the clerk of the court shall as soon as may be in either case forward to each of the Commission and the Fisheries Conservancy Board for Northern Ireland a duly authenticated certificate of the conviction,F5. . . .]

(5)A document purporting to be a copy of a conviction or order made by a court of justice in the Republic of Ireland and to be certified in accordance with the law of the Republic of Ireland shall, for the purposes of this section, be evidence of such conviction or order without further proof, unless the contrary is shown.

F3Where a licence is forfeited and its holder disqualified, any corresponding licence issued by the Fisheries Conservancy Board for NI is forfeited and the holder disqualified for holding a licence of the Board, 1966 c.17 (NI) s.200(3)

75Forfeiture of boats, fishing engines, etc., as statutory consequence of conviction.N.I.

Where a person is convicted of an offence against this Act, any fish illegally taken by him or in his possession at the time of the offence and also any [F6 boat or] fishing engine or thing by means or in respect of which the offence is committed shall, as a statutory consequence of conviction, stand forfeited.

76Non-obligation of Court to pronounce or record forfeiture.N.I.

Where, as a statutory consequence of a conviction under this Act, a particular thing stands forfeited, then, notwithstanding any rule of law, it shall not be necessary for the court—

(a)to pronounce the fact of such forfeiture at the time of adjudication, or

(b)to record the fact of such forfeiture in the petty sessions Order Book or in the order of conviction.

77 F7Disposal of fines.N.I.

(1)Save as provided in sub-section (2) of this section, all fines imposed for offences under this Act shall, notwithstanding any other enactment, be paid to the Commission.

(2)When a fine has been imposed for an offence under this Act and a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary was the means of bringing to justice the person by whom the offence was committed, then—

(a)one-third of that fine shall be paid to the Ministry of Home AffairsF8 and shall be appropriated in aid of the moneys provided by [F9 the Parliament of the United Kingdom] for defraying the costs, charges and expenses of the said Constabulary; and

(b)the remainder of that fine shall be paid to the Commission.

F8Now S of S, SI 1973/2163

F9SI 1973/2163

78Disposal of forfeitures.N.I.

(1)Where any thing is forfeited under this Act, the Ministry may direct that it be sold or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the Ministry thinks fit or be returned to the person who appears to the Ministry to be the owner.

(2)The net proceeds of a sale under sub-section (1) of this section shall be paid to or disposed of for the benefit of the Commission in such manner as the Ministry shall direct.

79Proof of regulations, bye-laws, etc.N.I.

(1)In any proceedings, a document purporting to be a copy of any instrument in writing made or issued (whether before or after the passing of this Act) under the Fisheries Acts or this Act in relation to the Foyle Area[F10 or the Carlingford Area] or any part thereof shall, if it is certified under the common seal of the Commission to be a true copy, be prima facie evidence of the instrument.

(2)The Documentary Evidence Act, 1868 [1868 c.37] , as amended by the Documentary Evidence Act, 1882 [1882 c.9] , shall apply to the Commission in like manner as the said Acts apply to certain rule-making authorities under section threeF11 of the Rules Publication Act (Northern Ireland), 1925 [1925 c.6] .


(1)The Commission may from time to time hold an inquiry in relation to the fisheries of the Foyle Area[F12 or the Carlingford Area] or any of them and the best means to be adopted for the management, conservation, protection or improvement thereof.

(2)An inquiry may be conducted by the Commission or by a person appointed by it for the purpose.

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81Powers in relation to inquiry.N.I.

(1)The Commission or person holding an inquiry may—

(a)summon witnesses to attend at the inquiry,

(b)examine on oath (which any member of the Commission or that person, as the case may be, is hereby authorised to administer) witnesses attending at the inquiry,

(c)require any witness to produce any documents in his power or control which the Commission or that person, as the case may be, considers necessary for the purposes of the inquiry.

(2)A witness at an inquiry shall be entitled to the same immunities and privileges as if he were a witness before the High Court.

(3)If any person—

(a)on being duly summoned to attend as a witness at an inquiry makes default in attending, or

(b)being in attendance, refuses to take an oath which he is lawfully required to take, or to produce any document in his power or control which he is lawfully required to produce, or to answer any question which he is lawfully required to answer,

he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding[F13 £25].

Valid from 01/06/2008

[F1482Calculation of time periodsN.I.

(1)In this Act, or any regulations made under this Act, where a period of time is expressed to begin on, or be reckoned from, a particular day, that day shall not be included in the period.

(2)In this Act, or any regulations made under this Act, where a period of time is expressed to end on, or to be reckoned to, a particular day, that day shall be included in the period.

(3)In this Act, or any regulations made under this Act, where the time limited for the doing of anything expires on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday, the time so limited shall extend to and the thing may be done on the first following day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday.

(4)Where any document or notice is received by the Commission or the Appeals Board outside the business hours of the Commission, or as the case may be, the Appeals Board, the document or notice shall be deemed to have been received on the first following day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.

(5)In subsections (3) and (4)—

(a)business hours” means such hours as may be prescribed for the purposes of this section;

(b)public holiday” means any day which is prescribed for the purposes of this section.

(6)Subsections (2), (3), (4) and (8) of section 39 of the Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 shall not apply to this Act.]