Part I—S. 1 rep. by 1964 c. 21 (NI)
S. 2 rep. in pt. by SLR 1976, residue amends s. 27 of 1851 c. 93
Part II—S. 3 rep. by 1964 c. 21 (NI)
S. 4 rep. by 1973 c. 53
Ss. 5‐10 rep. by 1964 c. 21 (NI)
Ss. 11‐15 rep. by 1964 c. 21 (NI)
16 F1Recognizances before governors or deputy governors of prisons.
Where any provision of the Summary Jurisdiction Acts (Northern Ireland) or of any other enactment operates to require or authorise any recognizance to be entered into before a resident magistrate or justice of the peace such recognizance may, in relation to any person who is in custody in a prison, be entered into before the governor or deputy governor of that prison.
A recognizance entered into under the preceding sub-section shall, as soon as practicable, be transmitted to the F2clerk of petty sessions .
In this section “prison” has the same meaning as in the Prison Act (Northern Ireland), 1953 M1.
S. 17 amends s.25 of 1953 c. 14 (NI)
S. 18 rep. in pt. by 1969 c. 16 (NI), residue amends s. 4 of 1824 c. 83
S. 19(1) rep. by 1971 c. 13 (NI); subs.(2) amends s. 9 of 1908 c. 24
Ss. 20‐22 rep. by 1964 c. 21 (NI)
S. 23 rep. by 1968 c. 34 (NI)
S. 24 rep. by 1964 c. 21 (NI)
S. 25 rep. by 1970 c. 2 (NI)
S. 26 rep. by 1967 c. 38 (NI); 1970 c. 2 (NI)
27Forgery of passport.
(1) F3
If any personF4. . . makes a statement which is to his knowledge untrue for the purpose of procuring a passport whether for himself or any other person he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable—
on summary conviction, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceedingF5 level 3 on the standard scale or to both such imprisonment and fine;
on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years or toF5 an unlimited fine or to both such imprisonment and fine.
Subs. (2) rep. by 1981 c.45
S. 28 rep. by 1964 c. 21 (NI)
Part V (ss. 29 - 34) rep. by 1964 c. 21 (NI); 1970 c. 16 (NI); 1980 NI 5
S. 35 rep. by 1964 c. 21 (NI); 1980 NI 11
36Transitional provisions.
The time for bringing summary proceedings in respect of a cause of complaint or cause of action which arose or accrued before the passing of this Act shall, if it has not then already expired, expire at the time when it would have expired apart from the provisions of this Act or at the time when it would have expired if all the provisions of this Act had at all material times been in force, whichever is the later.
Part VII — S. 37 rep. by 1998 c. 32
S. 38 rep. by 1964 c. 21 (NI)
S. 39 rep. by SLR 1976; 1980 NI 5
S. 40 rep. by SLR 1973
41Short title, construction and citation.
This Act may be cited as the Summary Jurisdiction and Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland), 1958.
This Act shall be construed as one with, and included among the Acts which may be cited together as, the Summary Jurisdiction Acts (Northern Ireland).