209Transitional provisions.
Without prejudice to the provisions of section 29 of the Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 M1F1. . .
any statutory instrument made under the Fisheries Acts or any other enactment repealed by this Act in relation to any matter with respect to which an instrument may be made by the Ministry under any provision of this Act and in force immediately before the commencement of that provision shall thereafter continue in force and be deemed to be an instrument made under that provision;
any thing prescribed under any provision of the Fisheries Acts otherwise than by a statutory instrument and standing unrevoked immediately before the commencement of any provision of this Act corresponding to the first-mentioned provision shall be deemed to have been prescribed under that provision of this Act;
any proceedings taken in respect of a contravention of any provision of the Fisheries Acts or any other enactment, being an enactment repealed by this Act, or any statutory instrument made under those Acts or any such enactment, shall be prosecuted and continued under the corresponding provision of this Act, and in relation to those proceedings that corresponding provision shall have effect as if for the penalties provided for a contravention thereof there were substituted the penalties provided for a contravention of the first-mentioned provision.