1.General right to acquire fee simple or to obtain extension of lease.
2.Notice of intention to acquire fee simple or to obtain grant of an extended lease.
5.Provisions in relation to parties to conveyance of fee simple.
6.Liability for costs in relation to acquisition of fee simple.
7.Power to discontinue acquisition of fee simple or grant of extension of lease.
11.Provisions in relation to parties to apportionment of rent.
12.Liability for costs in relation to apportionment of rent.
13.Right to discontinue application for apportionment of rent.
15.Provisions with respect to acquisition of fee simple or grant of extension in respect of sub-leases.
19.Restrictions on right to extension of lease or to acquire fee simple.
20.Compensation for loss of right to extension of lease or to acquire fee simple.
23.Provisions as to persons under disability etc. who are bound to grant extension of leases.
25.Assistance of Commissioner of Valuation to Lands Tribunal.
28.Continuance of certain covenants affecting fee simple acquired under Act.