PART 3Duty of Candour

Procedural and other requirements

6Supply and summary of report under section 5


A primary care provider that has prepared a report under section 5 in respect of the provision of health care on behalf of a Local Health Board must, as soon as practicable after the end of the reporting year, supply the report to that Local Health Board.


A Local Health Board to which reports have been supplied under subsection (1) must, as soon as practicable after the end of the reporting year prepare a summary of those reports.


The summary must—


specify how often, during the reporting year, the duty of candour has come into effect in respect of health care provided on behalf of the Local Health Board by a primary care provider,


give a brief description of the circumstances in which the duty came into effect, and


describe any steps taken by the primary care provider with a view to preventing similar circumstances from arising in future.