Section 175 – Coming into force
744.Section 175 sets out when the provisions of this Act comes into force and, where the provisions come into force by order, sets out what provision the order may contain. This provision deals with a range of different approaches to commencement.
745.Various regulation making powers come into force the day after the Act receives Royal Assent, including the powers to establish corporate joint committees under Part 5, and to provide for voluntary mergers of principal areas under Part 7 (the power to provide for restructuring of principal areas under that Part will be commenced by order, and subsection (2) of section 175 makes provision for this).
746.The partial commencement of section 159 relates to the commencement of Part 5 and the fact that Part 6 (performance management) will be commenced by order. The provisions commenced in section 166 on the day after Royal Assent are connected with the coming into force of the provisions on voluntary mergers.
747.Other provisions come into force on specified dates, which coincide with the start of the local government financial year (see subsection (4)), or are intended to fall on the day of the next ordinary elections to principal councils (on 5 May 2022; see subsection (5)), or the day after that day (see subsection (6)).