Chapter 3 – Curriculum Implementation
Maintained schools and maintained nursery schools
Section 27 – Duty to ensure implementation of adopted curriculum
Section 29 – Further implementation requirements for pupils aged 3 to 14
Section 30 – Further implementation requirements for pupils aged 14 to 16
Section 31 – Power to disapply duty to implement pupil choice
Section 32 - Power to disapply duty to implement pupil choice: supplementary
Chapter 4 – Curriculum Implementation: Exceptions
Section 40 - Development work and experiments: supplementary
Section 41 – Pupil and children with additional learning needs
Section 42 – Temporary exceptions for individual pupils and children
Section 43 – Temporary exceptions for individual pupils and children: supplementary
Section 44 – Provision of information about temporary exceptions
Section 45 - Appeals about temporary exceptions for individual pupils
Section 46 - Appeals about temporary exceptions for individual children
Part 3 - Curriculum for Exceptional Provision of Education in Pupil Referral Units Or Elsewhere
Section 66 - Welsh Ministers’ duty to facilitate the performance of functions
Section 67 - Local authorities’ duty to facilitate the performance of functions
Section 68 - Welsh Ministers’ duty to promote access etc to Welsh medium courses of study
Section 69 - Power to make provision for children receiving education in more than one setting etc
Section 70 - Power to apply Act to detained children and detained young persons
Section 74 - Power to make additional provision to give full effect to this Act etc
Section 76 - The What Matters Code and the Progression Code: procedure
Section 79 - Meaning of “maintained school”, “maintained nursery school” and associated expressions
Section 80 - Meaning of “funded non-maintained nursery education” and associated expressions
Section 81 - Meaning of “pupil referral unit” and associated expressions
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