40Contracts register


A contracting authority must create, maintain and publish a contracts register.


A contracts register is a register of public contracts entered into by the contracting authority that are of a description prescribed by the Welsh Ministers by regulations (“registrable contracts”).


In relation to each registrable contract, a contracts register must contain—


the date of award of the contract;


the name of the contractor;


the address of the contractor’s principal place of business;


the subject matter;


the estimated value;


the start date;


the end date provided for in the contract (disregarding any option to extend the contract) or, where there is no date specified, a description of the circumstances in which the contract will end;


the duration of any period for which the contract can be extended;


such other information as prescribed by the Welsh Ministers by regulations.


But an authority may withhold from publication an entry, or part of an entry, in the register if it considers that publishing it would—


impede enforcement of the law or otherwise be contrary to the public interest,


prejudice the commercial interests of any person,


prejudice fair competition between economic operators, or


disclose a residential address (in the case of information referred to in subsection (3)(c)).


An authority may delete an entry in its contracts register only after the contract to which it relates has expired or been terminated.