F1Part 3Accounts and funds
Duration etc. of authority
31ASuspension and termination of authority
The Public Guardian may suspend or terminate the authority of a withdrawer under a withdrawal certificate.
The Public Guardian must without delay intimate the suspension or termination to—
the withdrawer whose authority is suspended or terminated;
any other joint withdrawer;
any reserve withdrawer; and
the fundholder of the designated account; and
such other persons as the Public Guardian thinks fit.
A suspension or termination under subsection (1) suspends or, as the case may be, terminates all operations on the designated account by the withdrawer whose authority is suspended or terminated.
The Public Guardian must on suspending or terminating the authority of the withdrawer enter prescribed particulars in the register maintained by the Public Guardian under section 6(2)(b)(iii).
The Public Guardian may on terminating the authority of the withdrawer issue to the withdrawer an interim withdrawal certificate to continue to intromit with the adult's funds for a period not exceeding 4 weeks from the date of the termination.