SCHEDULE 3Direct-funded bodies
Purpose | Amount of resources other than accruing resources | Type of accruing resources | Amount of accruing resources |
1. For use by the Forestry Commissioners in or as regards Scotland on the promotion of forestry in Scotland, including support to the private sector for planting of new forest and woodlands, replanting after felling and maintenance grants for improvements; regulating forestry activity through the application of forest management standards and felling controls; managing the Forestry Commission’s forests in Scotland; associated administrative costs, including an appropriate share of the Commission’s headquarters and central service costs | F1£81,029,000 | Miscellaneous income | F2£2,500,000 |
2. For use by the Food Standards Agency in or as regards Scotland on administrative and operational costs, including research, monitoring and surveillance and public information and awareness relating to food safety and standards; the Meat Hygiene Service | F3£8,445,000 | Miscellaneous income | £100 |
3. For use by the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body on ongoing costs associated with the administration and operation of the Scottish Parliament; payments in respect of the functions of the Scottish Parliamentary Standards CommissionerF4the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland, the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, the Scottish Information Commissioner and the Commissioner for Children and Young People in Scotland; any other payments relating to the Scottish Parliament | F5£279,085,000 | Miscellaneous income and capital receipts | £100 |
4. For use by Audit Scotland, including assistance and support to the Auditor General for Scotland and the Accounts Commission for Scotland and other audit work for public bodies | F6£10,295,000 | Income from sale of IT equipment | £5,000 |