Part 1 Environmental assessment for plans and programmes
1.(1) Crude oil refineries except undertakings whose sole function is...
2.(1) Thermal power stations and other combustion installations with a...
3.(1) Installations for the reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel.
4.(1) Integrated works for the initial smelting of cast-iron and...
5.Installations for— (a) the extraction of asbestos and for the...
6.Integrated chemical installations, that is to say, installations—
7.(1) Construction of— (a) lines for long-distance railway traffic; or...
8.(1) Inland waterways and ports for inland-waterway traffic which permit...
10.Waste disposal installations for— (a) the incineration; or
11.Groundwater abstraction or artificial groundwater recharge schemes where the annual...
12.(1) Works for the transfer of water resources between river...
13.Waste water treatment plants with a capacity exceeding 150,000 population...
14.Extraction of petroleum and natural gas for commercial purposes where...
15.Dams and other installations designed for the holding back or...
16.Pipelines for the transport of gas, oil or chemicals with...
17.Installations for the intensive rearing of poultry or pigs with...
18.Industrial plants for the— (a) production of pulp from timber...
19.(1) Quarries and open-cast mining where the surface of the...
20.Construction of overhead electrical power lines with a voltage of...
21.Installations for storage of petroleum, petrochemical, or chemical products with...
Criteria for determining the likely significance of effects on the environment
Information for environmental reports
2.The relevant aspects of the current state of the environment...
3.The environmental characteristics of areas likely to be significantly affected....
4.Any existing environmental problems which are relevant to the plan...
5.The environmental protection objectives, established at international or national level,...
6.The likely significant effects on the environment, including—
7.The measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and as fully as...
8.An outline of the reasons for selecting the alternatives dealt...
9.A description of the measures envisaged concerning monitoring in accordance...
10.A non-technical summary of the information provided under paragraphs 1...