1. Introductory Text

  2. Part 1 Police

    1. Chapter 1 The Scottish Police Services Authority

      1. The Scottish Police Services Authority

        1. 1.Establishment of the Scottish Police Services Authority

        2. 2.Duty to establish and maintain the Agency

        3. 3.Duty to provide the police support services

        4. 4.Strategic priorities of the Authority

        5. 5.Objectives of the Authority

        6. 6.Annual plans of the Authority

        7. 7.Annual reports of the Authority

        8. 8.Provision of information to the Scottish Ministers

        9. 9.Liability for wrongful acts of certain persons seconded to the Authority

        10. 10.Grants

        11. 11.Charges by the Authority and other receipts

      2. The Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency

        1. 12.Members of the Agency

        2. 13.Strategic priorities of the Agency

        3. 14.Annual plans of the Agency

        4. 15.Annual reports of the Agency

        5. 16.General functions of Director General of the Agency

        6. 17.Powers of the Agency

        7. 18.Scottish Ministers' power to modify section 17

        8. 19.Disclosure of information by the Agency

        9. 20.Disclosure of information to the Agency

        10. 21.Direction by Director General of the Agency

        11. 22.Liability for wrongful acts of police members of the Agency

        12. 23.Regulations relating to the Agency

      3. The police support services

        1. 24.The police support services: modification by order

        2. 25.Use of the police support services

      4. Inspections

        1. 26.Inspections of the Authority's services and the Agency

        2. 27.Inspections of the Authority at request of the Scottish Ministers

        3. 28.Reports on inspections: powers of the Scottish Ministers

        4. 29.Revision of inadequate action plan

      5. Miscellaneous and general

        1. 30.Directions

        2. 31.Transfer of staff, property etc.

        3. 32.Interpretation of Chapter 1

    2. Chapter 2 Complaints and misconduct

      1. The Police Investigations and Review Commissioner

        1. 33.The Police Investigations and Review Commissioner

        2. 33A.General functions of the Commissioner

      2. Supervision of complaints

        1. 34.“Relevant complaint” and “person serving with the police”

        2. 35.Examination of manner of handling of complaint

        3. 36.Duty of Commissioner not to proceed with certain complaint handling reviews

        4. 37.Appointment of person to reconsider complaint

        5. 38.Reconsideration of complaint: duties to keep persons informed

        6. 39.Power of Commissioner to discontinue reconsideration

        7. 40.Final reports on reconsideration

        8. 40A.Arrangements for handling relevant complaints

        9. 41.Appropriate authority in relation to a complaint

      3. Investigations

        1. 41A.Investigations under supervision of Lord Advocate or procurator fiscal

        2. 41B.Serious incidents involving the police

        3. 41C.Investigation of matters in the public interest

        4. 41D. Investigations: procedure etc.

        5. 41E.Reports on investigations

        6. 41F.Investigations: obstruction and contempt

      4. Other functions

        1. 42.General functions of the Commissioner

        2. 42A.Complaints against the Commissioner

        3. 43.Reports to the Scottish Ministers

        4. 44.Provision of information to the Commissioner

        5. 45.Power of Commissioner to issue guidance

        6. 46.Disclosure of information by and to the Commissioner

        7. 46A.Protection from actions for defamation

      5. Supplementary

        1. 47.Interpretation of Chapter 2

        2. 47A.Complaint or investigation relating to Northern Ireland Troubles

    3. Chapter 3 Other provisions

      1. 48.Allowances payable to special constables

      2. 49.Appointments of assistant inspectors of constabulary and staff officers

      3. 50.Constables engaged on service outside their force

  3. Part 2 Public order etc.

    1. Chapter 1 Football banning orders

      1. Making and content of orders

        1. 51.Making of order on conviction of a football-related offence

        2. 52.Making of order on application to the sheriff

        3. 53.Content of order

        4. 54.Section 53: supplementary

        5. 55.“Football matches” and “regulated football matches”

        6. 56.“Violence” and “disorder”

      2. Variation, termination, information and appeals

        1. 57.Variation of certain requirements of order

        2. 58.Termination of order

        3. 59.Information about making, varying or terminating order etc.

        4. 60.Appeals

      3. Enforcement of order in relation to foreign matches

        1. 61.Foreign matches: reporting and other requirements

        2. 62.Notices under section 61(4): further provision

        3. 63.Sections 61 and 62: guidance

        4. 64.Exemption from notice served under section 61(4)

        5. 65.Section 64: supplementary

        6. 66.Suspension of reporting requirements

      4. Miscellaneous and general

        1. 67.Service of documents

        2. 68.Offences under this Chapter

        3. 69.Interpretation of Chapter 1

    2. Chapter 2 Public processions

      1. 70.Notification of public processions

      2. 71.Powers and duties of local authorities

      3. 72.Minor amendments of 1982 Act

    3. Chapter 3 Other provisions

      1. Offensive weapons

        1. 73.Increase in maximum term of imprisonment for certain offences

        2. 74.Amendment of requirements for exercise of certain powers of arrest

        3. 75.Sale of knives and articles with blade or point to young persons

      2. Fireworks

        1. 76.Possession of prohibited fireworks: powers of search and arrest

      3. Control of sex offenders

        1. 77.Powers to take data and samples from persons subject to notification requirements

        2. 78.Sex offender notification requirements

        3. 79.Information about release: power to require giving of specified information

        4. 80.Police powers of entry to and examination of relevant offender's home address

  4. Part 3 Criminal justice

    1. Powers in relation to suspects and witnesses

      1. 81.Power to require giving of certain information in addition to name and address

      2. 82.Power to take fingerprints to establish identity of suspect

    2. Retention of samples etc.: prosecutions for sexual and violent offences

      1. 83.Retention of samples etc.: prosecutions for sexual and violent offences

    3. Arrested persons: drug testing and reference for assessment

      1. 84.Testing of arrested persons for Class A drugs

      2. 85.Assessment following positive test under section 20A of the 1995 Act

      3. 86.Requirements under section 85: supplementary

      4. 87.Date, time and place of assessment

      5. 88.Failure to comply with requirements under sections 85 and 86

      6. 89.Guidance for the purposes of sections 85 to 88

      7. 90.Interpretation of sections 85 to 88

    4. Offenders assisting investigations and prosecutions

      1. 91.Assistance by offender: reduction in sentence

      2. 92.Assistance by offender: review of sentence

      3. 93.Proceedings under section 92: exclusion of public

      4. 94.Section 92: further provision

      5. 95.Sentencing: consideration of undisclosed information

      6. 96.Appeals etc. in the High Court: undisclosed information

      7. 96A.Appeals etc. in the Sheriff Appeal Court: undisclosed information

    5. Conditional immunity from prosecution

      1. 97.Investigation and prosecution of crime: conditional immunity from prosecution

    6. Enforcement of Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) Act 1967

      1. 98.Enforcement of Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) Act 1967

  5. Part 4 General

    1. 99.Meanings of “the 1967 Act”, “the 1995 Act” and “the 2003 Act”

    2. 100.Equal opportunities

    3. 101.Modifications of enactments

    4. 102.Ancillary provision

    5. 103.Subordinate legislation

    6. 104.Commencement

    7. 105.Short title

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      The Scottish Police Services Authority

      1. ...

        1. The Scottish Police Services Authority

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Membership of the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency

      1. ...

        1. Membership of the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Transfers of staff and property

      1. ...

        1. Transfers of staff and property

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      The Police Investigations and Review Commissioner

      1. Status

        1. 1.(1) The Commissioner— (a) is not a servant or agent...

      2. Limitations on appointment

        1. 2.(1) A person is disqualified for appointment to the office...

      3. Tenure and removal from office

        1. 3.(1) Subject to this paragraph and paragraph 4, a person...

      4. Remuneration

        1. 4.The Commissioner is entitled to— (a) a salary of such...

      5. Pensions etc.

        1. 5.(1) The Scottish Ministers may pay or make arrangements for...

      6. Vacancy in office of Commissioner

        1. 6.(1) The Scottish Ministers may appoint a person (who may...

      7. Staff

        1. 7.(1) The Commissioner may appoint such staff as the Commissioner...

      8. Staff officers

        1. 7A.(1) The Commissioner may make arrangements for constables of the...

      9. Staff involved in investigations

        1. 7B.(1) The Commissioner may designate— (a) any member of the...

      10. General powers

        1. 8.The Commissioner may do anything which appears necessary or expedient...

      11. Financial provision

        1. 9.(1) The Scottish Ministers are to pay—

      12. Accounts

        1. 10.The Commissioner must, in accordance with such directions as the...

      13. Provision of information

        1. 11.(1) The Commissioner must provide the Scottish Ministers with all...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Section 53(2)(b): Relevant events etc.

      1. 1.For the purpose of section 53(2)(b)— (a) relevant events are...

      2. 2.In the table in paragraph 1— “details”, in relation to...

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Modifications of enactments

      1. Part 1 Acts

        1. The Police (Scotland) Act 1967 (c. 77)

          1. 1.(1) The 1967 Act is modified as follows.

        2. The Criminal Justice Act 1988 (c. 33)

          1. 2.In section 142(3) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (power...

        3. The Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1995 (c. 40)

          1. 3.In Part II of Schedule 2 to the Criminal Procedure...

        4. The Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 (c. 46)

          1. 4.(1) The 1995 Act is modified as follows.

        5. The Police Act 1996 (c. 16)

          1. 5.(1) The Police Act 1996 is modified as follows.

        6. The Police Act 1997 (c. 50)

          1. 6.(1) The Police Act 1997 is modified as follows.

        7. The Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 (asp 7)

          1. 7.In schedule 3 to the Ethical Standards in Public Life...

        8. The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (c. 23)

          1. 8.In section 76A(11) of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act...

        9. The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act 2000 (asp 11)

          1. 9.(1) The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act 2000 is...

        10. The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 (asp 11)

          1. 10.(1) The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 is amended...

        11. The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (asp 13)

          1. 11.In schedule 1 to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act...

        12. The Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Act 2003 (asp 4)

          1. 12.In schedule 2 to the Public Appointments and Public Bodies...

        13. The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (c. 15)

          1. 13.(1) The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 is...

      2. Part 2 Subordinate legislation

        1. The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription of Offices, Ranks and Positions) (Scotland) Order 2000 (S.S.I. 2000/343)

          1. 14.In the Schedule to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription...