Explanatory Notes

Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006

2006 asp 4

16 March 2006

The Act – an Overview

Part 7:  General

Section 62 – Short title and commencement
Parliamentary History

The following table sets out, for each Stage of the proceedings in the Scottish Parliament on the Act for this Act, the dates on which the proceedings at that Stage took place, the references to the Official Report of those proceedings and the dates on which Committee Reports and other papers relating to the Act were published, and references to those Reports and other papers.

Proceedings and ReportsReference
3 June 2005Act as Introduced (SP Act  42)
17th Meeting 2005 (Session 2) – Preliminary Discussion7 June, Col 2019 & Minutes
Stage 1
(a) Health Committee
19th Meeting 2005 (Session 2)21 June Col 2086 & Minutes
20th Meeting 2005 (Session 2)8 Sep Cols 2091 - 2112 & Minutes
21st Meeting 2005 (Session 2) 13 Sep Cols 2128 - 2164 & Minutes
23rd Meeting 2005 (Session 2)27 Sep Cols 2223 - 2256 & Minutes
24th Meeting 2005 (Session 2)3 Oct Cols 2261 - 2281 & Minutes
25th meeting 2005 (Session 2)25 Oct Cols 2301 - 2327 & Minutes
22 November 2005:Stage 1 Report
19th Report 2005 (Session 2): Stage 1 Report on Human Tissue (Scotland) Act
(b) Subordinate Legislation Committee25 Oct Cols 1239 - 1243 &  Minutes
28th Meeting 2005 (Session 2) 25 Oct Col 1239 - 1243 & Minutes
29th Meeting 2005 (Session 2)1 Nov Cols 1278 - 1281 &  Minutes
(c)Finance Committee
18th Meeting 2005 (Session 2)8 Sep Cols 2746 - 2747 & Minutes
(d) Consideration by Parliament
Stage 1 debate 30 November 200530 Nov Cols 21232 - 21279
Stage 2
(a) Health Committee
32nd Meeting 2005 (Session 2) 20 December 2005, Cols 2431 - 2458 &  Minutes
2nd Meeting 2006 (Session 2) 17 January 2006, Cols 2475 - 2492 & Minutes
Act (as Amended at Stage 2)Act as amended (SP 42A)
Stage 3
Consideration by Parliament
Stage 3 debate, 2 February 20062 February 2006, Cols 22960 - 23007
Act passed, 2 February 2006Act as passed (SP Act 42B)
Royal Assent
16 March 2006Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006 (asp4)