Edinburgh Tram (Line One) Act 2006

  1. Introductory Text

  2. Part 1 Works

    1. Principal works powers

      1. 1.Power to construct works

      2. 2.Power to deviate

      3. 3.Power to alter the layout of roads

      4. 4.Power to keep apparatus in roads

      5. 5.Power to execute road works

      6. 6.Permanent stopping up of roads

    2. Supplemental powers

      1. 7.Temporary stopping up of roads

      2. 8.Access to works

      3. 9.Construction and maintenance of new or altered roads

      4. 10.Construction of bridges and tunnels

      5. 11.Restoration of roads if tramway discontinued

      6. 12.Agreements with roads and road works authorities

      7. 13.Agreements with Network Rail and BRB (Residuary) Limited

      8. 14.Transfer of obligations arising from previous enactments

      9. 15.Level crossings

      10. 16.Attachment of equipment to buildings for purposes of works

      11. 17.Discharge of water

      12. 18.Safeguarding works to buildings

      13. 19.Power to construct temporary tramways

      14. 20.Power to survey and investigate land

      15. 21.Mode of construction and operation of tramway

      16. 22.Obstruction of construction of tramway

  3. Part 2 Land

    1. Principal acquisition powers

      1. 23.Power to acquire land

      2. 24.Powers to acquire new rights

      3. 25.Rights under or over roads

      4. 26.Temporary use of land for construction of works

      5. 27.Temporary use of land for maintenance of works

      6. 28.Power as to acquisition and use of additional lands

      7. 29.Power to retain, sell, etc., lands

      8. 30.Application of the Crichel Down Rules

    2. Compensation

      1. 31.Disregard of certain interests and improvements

      2. 32.Compensation in respect of depreciation in value of interest in land subject to a standard security

      3. 33.Set-off against betterment

    3. Supplemental powers

      1. 34.Acquisition of part of certain properties

      2. 35.Persons under a disability may grant servitudes, etc.

      3. 36.Extinction or suspension of private rights of way

      4. 37.Power of entry on lands compulsorily acquired

      5. 38.Correction of errors in Parliamentary plans and book of reference

      6. 39.No double recovery

      7. 40.Time limit for exercise of powers of acquisition

      8. 41.Extension of time

      9. 42.General vesting declarations

  4. Part 3 Penalty Fares

    1. 43.Interpretation for Part 3

    2. 44.Operation of Part 3

    3. 45.Penalty fares

    4. 46.Amount of penalty fare

    5. 47.Document to be issued in connection with penalty fare requirement

    6. 48.Notice of penalty fare provisions

    7. 49.Supplementary provisions

    8. 50.Exclusion of double liability

  5. Part 4 Operation of Authorised Tramway

    1. 51.Power to operate and use authorised tramway

    2. 52.Power to charge fares

    3. 53.Disapplication of duties respecting provision of transport services

    4. 54.Concessionary and integrated travel

    5. 55.Obstruction to operation

    6. 56.Removal of obstructions

    7. 57.Prevention or restriction of running of tram

    8. 58.Traffic signs and priority

    9. 59.Power to lop trees overhanging the tramway

    10. 60.Trespass on tramroads

    11. 61.Power to make byelaws

    12. 62.Power to contract for police services

  6. Part 5 Miscellaneous and General

    1. 63.Insulation against noise

    2. 64.Orders for insulating new buildings

    3. 65.Repeal of sections 63 and 64

    4. 66.Compliance with Code of Construction Practice and Noise and Vibration Policy

    5. 67.Mitigation of environmental impacts

    6. 68.Landscape and habitat management plan

    7. 69.Powers of disposal, agreements for operation, etc.

    8. 70.Application of landlord and tenant law

    9. 71.Trams deemed public service vehicles

    10. 72.Statutory undertakers, etc.

    11. 73.Listed buildings and conservation areas

    12. 74.Town and country planning, etc.

    13. 75.Blighted land

    14. 76.Saving for roads authority

    15. 77.Certification of plans, etc.

    16. 78.Service of notices

    17. 79.Application of Railways Act 1993

    18. 80.Arbitration

  7. Part 6 Supplementary

    1. 81.Incorporation of enactments

    2. 82.Interpretation

    3. 83.Orders

    4. 84.Rights of the Crown

    5. 85.Short title

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Scheduled works

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Roads subject to alteration of layout

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Roads to be permanently stopped up

      1. Part 1 Roads to be permanently stopped up with a substitute provided

      2. Part 2 Roads to be stopped up to vehicular access and egress only

      3. Part 3 Roads to be permanently stopped up with no substitute provided

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Roads to be temporarily stopped up

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Level crossings

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Acquisition of certain land

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Land of which temporary possession may be taken

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Permitted events on tram route

    9. SCHEDULE 9

      Provisions relating to statutory undertakers, etc.

      1. 1.Apparatus of statutory undertakers, etc. on land acquired

      2. 2.Apparatus of statutory undertakers, etc. in stopped up roads

      3. 3.Railway and navigation undertakings

    10. SCHEDULE 10

      Listed buildings

      1. Part 1 Buildings to which listed building works may be carried out

      2. Part 2 Listed buildings to which equipment may not be attached without consent