1.Works for the provision of recreational facilities in St James'...
2.Works for the provision of facilities for the storage and...
4.Bridges, subways, stairs, lifts, escalators, roundabouts and means of access....
5.Junctions and communications with, and widening of, any road, path...
6.Works for the provision (for the authorised undertaker or any...
7.Works for the strengthening, underpinning, protection, alteration or demolition of...
8.Works or operations to stabilise the condition of any land...
9.Works to alter the course of, or otherwise interfere with,...
10.Works to alter the position of any existing apparatus or...
11.Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 10, works to...
12.Landscaping, ecological and other works to mitigate any adverse effects...
13.Works for the benefit or protection of premises affected by...
14.The removal by the authorised undertaker of any works constructed...
15.Such other works (of whatever nature) as may be necessary...
2.For the purpose of determining how the powers conferred by...
3.For the purpose of carrying out safeguarding works to a...
4.Before exercising— (a) a right under section 11 of this...
5.Where notice is served under paragraph 4(a), (b), (c) or...
6.The authorised undertaker shall compensate the owners and occupiers of...
7.Where— (a) safeguarding works to a building are carried out...
8.Nothing in this schedule shall relieve the authorised undertaker from...
9.Any dispute as to a person’s entitlement to compensation under...