SCHEDULE 4Accruing resources of direct-funded bodies which may be used without individual limit
Part 1Forestry Commissioners
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Recoveries of grants; repayments by staff of loans and other recoverable expenses; miscellaneous income from sales of publications, training courses etc. | Policy, regulatory and grant-giving functions |
Overall amount: £6,100,000 |
Part 2Food Standards Agency
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Recovery of costs from Radioactive Site Operators in relation to the Food Standards Agency’s role in assessing the impact of proposed radioactive waste disposal authorisations on the food chain; income from sale of publications and income generation schemes | Expenditure of the Food Standards Agency in or as regards Scotland |
2. Income from industry levied charges in respect of statutory veterinary services and inspections undertaken by the Meat Hygiene Service | Expenditure of the Food Standards Agency in or as regards Scotland in supporting the provision of the Meat Hygiene Service |
Overall amount: £100 |
Part 3Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Broadcasting income; gifts; income from commercial sales and other services provided to the public | Expenditure on administrative costs of the Scottish Parliament |
Overall amount: £622,000 |
Part 4Audit Scotland
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Fees and charges for audit work; recoveries of costs associated with the functions of the Auditor General for Scotland and the Accounts Commission for Scotland; miscellaneous income from publications, conferences, provision of administrative services etc.; recoveries of costs of seconded staff; repayments of staff loans; recoveries of car leasing payments; interest received on working balances | Expenditure of Audit Scotland, the Auditor General for Scotland and the Accounts Commission for Scotland |
Overall amount: £22,000,000 |