Section 36 – Local flood risk management plans: completion and publication
128.Section 36 makes provision for the completion and publication of local flood risk management plans.
129.Subsection (1) provides that a local flood risk management is finalised once the relevant flood risk management plan has been approved by the Scottish Ministers and the lead authority, SEPA and every responsible authority with flood risk related functions for the local plan district have agreed to the content of the local plan. If these bodies fail to reach agreement it is for the Scottish Ministers to determine the content of the local plan.
130.Subsections (2) to (4) set out arrangements for the Scottish Ministers to determine the content of local plans. Subsection (2) requires the lead authority to notify the Scottish Ministers where the local plan is not agreed by the “local plan deadline” or the lead authority does not believe that it will be agreed by that deadline. Subsection (7) provides for the “local plan deadline” to be 6 months after the relevant flood risk management plan is approved under section 32 or another date set by the Scottish Ministers.
131.Where the Scottish Ministers are notified that a local plan has not been, or will not be, agreed by the local plan deadline, subsection (3) requires them to determine the content of that plan. Subsection (4) requires them to take into account any representations made by SEPA or any of the responsible authorities with flood risk related functions for the local plan district. This will include the lead authority.
132.Subsections (5) and (6) set out arrangements for publicising the finalised local flood risk management plan. These require the lead authority to publish the plan, to publicise the publication, to make copies available to the public and for public inspection and to provide copies to SEPA and the Scottish Ministers. The requirements to publicise matters and make plans available for inspection should be read with sections 53 and 54.