Enforcing and challenging arbitral awards etc.

C4C2C7C9C10C5C3C11C1C8C6I113Court intervention in arbitrations


Legal proceedings are competent in respect of—


a tribunal's award, or


any other act or omission by a tribunal when conducting an arbitration,

only as provided for in the Scottish Arbitration Rules (in so far as they apply to that arbitration) or in any other provision of this Act.


In particular, a tribunal's award is not subject to review or appeal in any legal proceedings except as provided for in Part 8 of the Scottish Arbitration Rules.


It is not competent for a party to raise the question of a tribunal's jurisdiction with the court except—


where objecting to an order being made under section 12, or


as provided for in the Scottish Arbitration Rules (see rules 21, 22 and 67).


Where the parties agree that the UNCITRAL Model Law is to apply to an arbitration, articles 6 and 11(2) to (5) of that Law are to have the force of law in Scotland in relation to that arbitration (as if article 6 specified the Court of Session and any sheriff court having jurisdiction).