Part 1 SInterpretation


15Effect of repeal generallyS

(1)This section applies where an Act of the Scottish Parliament or a Scottish instrument—

(a)repeals an Act of the Scottish Parliament, or

(b)revokes a Scottish instrument.

(2)The repeal or revocation does not affect—

(a)the validity, invalidity, effect or consequences of anything done or suffered under the repealed Act or revoked instrument,

(b)an existing right, interest, title, immunity, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred under that Act or instrument,

(c)an existing status or capacity acquired under that Act or instrument,

(d)an amendment of an enactment made by the repealed Act or revoked instrument,

(e)the previous operation of the repealed Act or revoked instrument or anything done or suffered under the Act or instrument.

(3)The repeal or revocation does not revive—

(a)an Act of the Scottish Parliament that has been repealed,

(b)a Scottish instrument that has been revoked,

(c)a rule of law that has been abolished,

(d)any other thing that is not in force or existing at the time at which the repeal or revocation takes effect.