Part 3Marine planning

Marine plans

I19Withdrawal of marine plans


The Scottish Ministers may withdraw a national marine plan or (as the case may be) a regional marine plan where they consider it appropriate to do so.


If they do so, they must publish notice of withdrawal in the Edinburgh Gazette; and the marine plan concerned ceases to have effect on the date of such publication.


The Scottish Ministers must also take such further steps as they consider appropriate to secure that the withdrawal of the marine plan concerned is brought to the attention of interested persons.


In this section, “interested persons” means—


any persons appearing to the Scottish Ministers to be likely to be interested in, or affected by, the withdrawal of the marine plan concerned,


members of the general public.


Following withdrawal of a national marine plan, the Scottish Ministers must prepare and adopt in accordance with schedule 1 a new national marine plan for the Scottish marine area as soon as is reasonably practicable.