Introductory Text
Part 1 Defined expressions
1.Defined expressions in this Act
Part 2 Wildlife under the 1981 Act
Wild birds, their nests and eggs
2.Application of the 1981 Act to game birds
3.Protection of game birds etc. and prevention of poaching
4.Areas of special protection for wild birds
5.Sale of live or dead wild birds, their eggs etc.
Wild hares, rabbits etc.
6.Protection of wild hares etc.
7.Prevention of poaching: wild hares, rabbits etc.
8.Sale, possession etc. of wild hares, rabbits etc. killed or taken unlawfully
9.Wild hares, rabbits etc.: licences
10.Wild hares, rabbits etc.: power to vary Schedules to the 1981 Act and prescribe close seasons
11.Wild hares and rabbits: miscellaneous
Wild birds, hares, rabbits etc.: single witness evidence
12.Single witness evidence in certain proceedings under the 1981 Act
Non-native species etc.
14.Non-native species etc.
15.Non-native species etc.: code of practice
16.Species control orders etc.
17.Non-native species etc.: further provision
Species licences
18.Licences under the 1981 Act
19.Amendment of Schedule 6 to the 1981 Act
Annual report on wildlife crime
20.Annual report on wildlife crime
Offence of knowingly causing or permitting certain offences
21.Offence of knowingly causing or permitting certain offences under the 1981 Act
22.Wildlife inspectors etc.
23.Offences by Scottish partnerships etc.
Liability in relation to certain offences by others
24.Liability in relation to certain offences by others
Modifications and repeals relating to Part 2 and game licensing
25.Modifications and repeals relating to Part 2 and game licensing
Part 3 Deer
26.Deer management etc.
27.Deer management code of practice
28.Control agreements and control schemes etc.
29.Deer: close seasons etc.
30.Register of persons competent to shoot deer etc.
31.Action intended to prevent suffering
32.Offences by bodies corporate, Scottish partnerships etc. under the 1996 Act
Part 4 Other wildlife etc.
Protection of badgers
33.Protection of badgers
35.Offences by bodies corporate, Scottish partnerships etc. under the 1946 Act
Part 5 Biodiversity
36.Reports on compliance with biodiversity duty
Part 6 Sites of special scientific interest
37.Combining sites of special scientific interest
38.Denotification of SSSIs: damage caused by authorised operations
39.SSSIs: operations requiring consent
40.SSSI offences: civil enforcement
Part 7 General
41.Crown application
42.Ancillary provision
43.Commencement and short title
Part 1 Modifications
1.In section 39(2) of the Agriculture (Scotland) Act 1948 (c.45),...
Part 2 Repeals