Part 1Registration of property factors

Property factor registered numbers

13Property factor registered numbers


The Scottish Ministers must allocate a number to each registered property factor (the “property factor registered number”).


The property factor registered number may be in such form, consisting of one or more sequences of letters or numbers, as the Scottish Ministers may determine.


A registered property factor must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the property factor registered number is included in—


any document sent to a homeowner,


any other document or communication of such type as the Scottish Ministers may by order specify.


Any person other than a registered property factor who, without reasonable excuse, uses a number purporting to be a property factor registered number in any document or communication commits an offence.


Subsection (4) does not apply to a person who has been removed from the register under section 8(1) until—


the period within which any appeal under section 11(2) in relation to the removal may be made expires (without such an appeal being made), or


any such appeal is concluded.


A person guilty of an offence under subsection (4) is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.


For the purposes of subsection (5)(b), an appeal is concluded only when––


the period within which an appeal under section 11(9) may be made has expired without such an appeal being made, or


any such appeal has been concluded.