Part 2 – Scheduled Monument Consent
121.Part 2 of the schedule confers on Historic Environment Scotland functions in relation to the grant, modification and revocation of scheduled monument consents; modifies the functions of the Scottish Ministers in relation to modification and revocation of such consents, and makes consequential modifications, including to the procedure for applications for the grant, modification and revocation of such consents. From the point of view of applicants for consent, the extant system is being altered to enable Historic Environment Scotland to undertake the functions above as well as Ministers, with the additional provision of an appeal to Ministers (see below for more detail on appeals).
122.Paragraph 5 confers the power to grant scheduled monument consent under section 2 of the 1979 Act on Scottish Ministers or Historic Environment Scotland. Sub-paragraph (d) inserts subsection (5A) into section 2 of the 1979 Act. This allows for the granting of partial consent in relation to an application for scheduled monument consent.
123.Paragraph 6 inserts new section 3A into the 1979 Act. This allows any person interested in a scheduled monument which is subject to a scheduled monument consent granted subject to conditions to apply to Historic Environment Scotland for the variation or discharge of any such conditions. The section also sets out details of what an application must specify and what actions Historic Environment Scotland may take in response. It also recognises that Ministers may take decisions on such applications where they have used their call-in powers.
124.Paragraph 7 further amends the 1979 Act by substituting subsections (3) and (4) of section 4 with two new subsections which allow Historic Environment Scotland to revoke or modify a scheduled monument consent at any time before works have been completed. Subsection (4) also clarifies that any modification or revocation does not apply to works already carried out.
125.Paragraph 8 inserts a new section 4A into the 1979 Act which relates to the modification and revocation of scheduled monument consent by Scottish Ministers, including arrangements for notification and hearings. The effect of these changes is to recast the provisions of Part II of schedule 1 to the 1979 Act to harmonise procedure with that for modifications and revocations in respect of listed buildings under the 1997 Act. The intended effect of these changes is to make procedures around scheduled monument consent as similar as possible to procedures around listed building consent.
126.Paragraphs 9 to 13 make changes to sections 5 to 9 of the 1979 Act to give Historic Environment Scotland the necessary powers and liabilities in relation to its newly conferred functions under the 1979 Act.
127.Paragraph 14 amends Part 1 of schedule 1 (applications for scheduled monument consent) to the 1979 Act to require applications for scheduled monument consent to be made to and dealt with by Historic Environment Scotland rather than by the Scottish Ministers.
128.Sub-paragraph (5) inserts new paragraph 2C into schedule 1 of the 1979 Act, to ensure that Historic Environment Scotland is required to notify Ministers of certain specified applications for scheduled monument consent. This means that Ministers can decide which cases or types of cases should be notified to them by Historic Environment Scotland where it intends to grant consent. This also provides that HES must not grant scheduled monument consent until the 28 day period (in which Ministers can decide to call in an application) has expired without Ministers calling in the application, or giving notice that more time is required, or until Ministers have notified HES that they do not intend to call in the application.
129.Sub-paragraph (6)(b) of paragraph 14 substitutes sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) of paragraph 3 with a new sub-paragraph (2) which allows the Scottish Ministers to prescribe (by way of regulations) the procedures to be followed by Historic Environment Scotland when determining applications for scheduled monument consent.
130.Paragraph 15 repeals paragraphs 5 to 9 of Schedule 1 of the 1979 Act in connection with amendments made by paragraph 7, and further amends Part 2 of schedule 1 of the same Act in this respect.