Section 7 – Special requirements and conditions for young persons
24.This section sets out additional requirements for applications and certificates granted where the applicant is aged under 18. When combined with the minimum age requirement for applicants at section 3(1), this section applies to applicants aged 14-17.
25.When read with section 3(2)(b), subsection (2) of this section requires that applications for an air weapon certificate from an individual aged 14-17 must contain a statement of consent from the applicant’s parent or guardian in the form and manner prescribed by regulations under section 36. The term “guardian” is defined at section 40(1).
26.Subsections (3) to (5) set out mandatory conditions for air weapon certificates granted to 14-17 year olds. The condition in subsection (4) prohibits a 14-17 year old with an air weapon certificate from purchasing, hiring, accepting a gift of or otherwise owning (for example by inheriting or finding) an air weapon, meaning that they may only use borrowed air weapons. This condition applies to all air weapon certificates granted to young persons. Subsection (5) lists the specific activities for which a 14-17 year old might be granted an air weapon certificate. The Chief Constable must apply one or more of the conditions listed at subsection (5) to the young person’s air weapon certificate, as appropriate.
27.Subsection (6) disapplies the requirement that a young applicant need satisfy the Chief Constable that the applicant has a good reason for purchasing or acquiring an air weapon because an air weapon certificate granted to a young person will not permit them to purchase, hire, accept a gift of or own such a weapon and therefore that aspect of the test for grant or renewal is not relevant.
28.Subsection (7) defines “agriculture” for the purposes of this section, specifically subsection (5)(e). The definition used at section 85 of the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 1991 is adopted, which refers to “horticulture, fruit growing; seed growing; dairy farming; livestock breeding and keeping; the use of land as grazing land, meadow land, osier land, market gardens and nursery grounds; and the use of land for woodlands where that use is ancillary to the farming of land for other agricultural purposes: and “agricultural” shall be construed accordingly”.