Explanatory Notes

Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015

2015 asp 10

4 August 2015

Structure and Summary of the Act

Part 4 – General

Section 84 – Interpretation

261.Section 84 defines various expressions used in the Act.

Section 85 – Regulations

262.Section 85 provides procedural requirements for regulations made under the Act.

Section 86 – Ancillary provision

263.Section 86 allows the Scottish Ministers to make ancillary provision in statutory instruments in consequence of this Act. This power will, for example, be used to make transitional provision and any consequential modifications that may be required.

Section 87 – Minor and consequential amendments and repeals

264.Section 87 introduces schedule 2 of the Act, which contains minor amendments and amendments and repeals consequential on the provisions of the Act.

Section 88 – Commencement

265.Section 88 provides that the provisions of the Act (except those which come into force at the beginning of the day following the day on which the Act receives Royal Assent) will come into force on a date or dates determined by Order made by Ministers.

Section 89 – Short title

266.Section 89 gives the short title of the Act.