Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 Explanatory Notes

Section 20: Contents of prevention orders

88.Section 20 makes provision about the prohibitions or requirements (or both) that may be contained in a TEPO. Each prohibition and requirement in a TEPO is for a fixed period and the order itself is for a fixed period. The order and the prohibitions and requirements may all be for the same period. However, the Act allows some requirements and prohibitions in the order to be set for a period shorter than that of the order, if that is appropriate.

89.Subsection (2) provides that both the order and any prohibition or requirement in the order must have a specified fixed period of at least five years. The only exception to that requirement relates to a prohibition on foreign travel and an order containing only a prohibition on foreign travel (which is dealt with in section 21) and relates to a period of not more than five years. Subsection (4) provides that a TEPO may prohibit the person in respect of whom the order is made from doing things or require that person to do things. Different prohibitions and requirements may have effect for different periods.

90.Subsection (5) provides that, if the court makes a TEPO in respect of a person already subject to such an order, the earlier order will cease to have effect.

91.Subsection (6) defines what is meant by “the court” for the purposes of the section.

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