Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Act 2016 Explanatory Notes

The Act – Overview

Part 1 – Tobacco, Nicotine Vapour Products and Smoking

Chapter 1 – Sale of Tobacco and Nicotine Vapour Products
Register of tobacco and nicotine vapour product retailers
Section 8 – Register of tobacco and nicotine vapour product retailers

31.Section 8(1) of the Act amends section 10(1) (Register of tobacco retailers) of the 2010 Act to require that the Scottish Ministers keep a Register of persons carrying on a NVP business. This is in addition to the existing requirement in section 10 which requires the Scottish Ministers to keep a Register of persons carrying on a tobacco business. As amended, section 8(1) means that the Scottish Ministers must keep a single Register covering: tobacco businesses and NVP businesses, and consequently, businesses which are both tobacco and NVP businesses.

32.Section 8(2) of the Act inserts into section 35 of the 2010 Act definitions of “nicotine vapour product business” and “tobacco or nicotine vapour product business”. The businesses referred to by these definitions only involve the sale of products by retail.

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