PART 2The lobbying register

Inactive registrants

I113Reclassification as an inactive registrant without application


The Clerk may enter an active registrant in the register as an inactive registrant if—


there is no outstanding application by the registrant under section 12, but


the Clerk has reasonable grounds to believe the registrant is not, or is no longer, engaged in regulated lobbying.


Before deciding under this section to enter an active registrant in the register as an inactive registrant the Clerk must give to the registrant a notice stating—


that the Clerk is considering updating the registrant's entry in the register to be instead entered in the register as an inactive registrant,


the Clerk's reasons for doing so, and


that the registrant has the right to make written representations to the Clerk before the date which is specified in the notice (such date to be at least 28 days after the date on which the notice is given).


In making a decision under this section the Clerk must consider any representations made in accordance with subsection (2)(c).


The Clerk must, as soon as practicable after making a decision under this section to enter a registrant in the register as an inactive registrant, update the registrant's entry in the register accordingly.


The Clerk must, as soon as practicable after making a decision under this section notify the registrant in respect of whom the decision is made of—


the decision and the Clerk's reasons for that decision, and


in the case of a decision to enter a registrant in the register as an inactive registrant—


the date on which the registrant is entered in the register as an inactive registrant, and


the effect of the person being entered in the register as an inactive registrant.