Commentary on Sections
Part 3: General
Section 28: Power of court to order a summary of its judgment to be published
127.Section 28 empowers the court to order an unsuccessful defender in defamation proceedings, or proceedings under Part 2 for a malicious publication, to publish a summary of the court’s judgment.
128.Subsection (1) sets out the parameters of the power. It is exercisable only where the court has found in favour of the pursuer in defamation proceedings or proceedings under Part 2.
129.Subsection (2) makes clear that it is for the parties to agree (a) the wording of the summary and (b) the time, manner, form and place of its publication. Where, however, the parties cannot reach agreement on the wording of the summary, the court must determine it (see subsection (3)(a)). This may include, for example, substituting its own wording for that put forward by the parties. Where the parties cannot agree on a matter (or matters) identified in subsection (2)(b), the court may give such directions as it considers appropriate (see subsection (3)(b)).
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